In July 2002 we were honoured to welcome two senior managers from our partner TUINS (The Toyama University of International Studies), Dr Sci Hiroyuki UESAKA and Dr Hoh-Ichi KITANO, along with Keiko Yamamoto, ISUGA Head of Japanese, who travelled back from holiday in Japan to help act as go-between and guide.This visit was the continuation of a series of meetings to plan and develop our exchange scheme, where second-year students spend three months in Toyama in the first semester of their second year.
This autumn will see the first such visit take place, and we await with pleasure the arrival of our exchange student visitors from Toyama. This is well-known in Japan as a beautiful city in a favoured location between sea and mountains. You can check this out for yourself at the following site: TOYAMA CITY HOMEPAGE
Of course, Brittany, too, has its marvels to enjoy, and after our long hours of arduous and detailed discussions we were able to show our visitors something of the area. On this page you can see pictures of CARNAC, while photos of MONT ST MICHEL are here. |