The HISTORY of SCIENCE - (*approximate dates)
 1953  The Discovery of DNA: Crick, Watson, Wilkins & Franklin
 1912-1954  Alan Turing: "Father of the Computer" who crakced the German Enigma Code in WWII  
 Lev Landau: made significant contributions to many areas of theoretical physics and astronomy  
 1908-1991  John Bardeen: with William Schockley and Walter Brittain invented the transistor  
 1901-1976  Werner Karl Heisenberg: pioneer of quantum mechanics  
 1900-1979  Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin: pioneer woman scientist who unveiled the secrets of the Sun  
 1887-1961   Erwin Schroedinger & his elusive cat  
 1879-1955  Albert Einstein: say no more!  
 1868-1953  Robert Andrews Millikan: made fundamental discoveries about atomic structure  
 1867-1934  Michael & Marie Curie and the understanding of radioactivity
 1854-1923  Hertha Ayrton: renowned scientist in the field of electricity who was much admired by Einstein  
 1845-1923  Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and the discovery of X-rays
 1834-1907  Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev: the periodic law and a version of the periodic table of elements.  
 1809-1888  Charles Darwin: The Voyage of the Beagle and the Theory of Evolution  
 1795-1804  Nicolas Appert and his invention of airtight food preservation
 1791-1867  Michael Faraday: the "father" of electricity
 1780-1872  Mary Fairfax Somerville: Scottish mathematician, geographer, science writer and theoretical astronomer  
 1769-1859  Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt. "father" of ecology & environmentalism  
   The Discovery of Calculus and the Newton/Leibnitz "Calculus Controversy"  
 1642-1726  Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists who ever lived  
 287 - 212 BC  Archimedes - one of the greatest mathematicians in history
 276 - 195 BC*  Eratosthenes: a polymath who calculated the circumference of Earth