Amazing Humans
1978-2020 Ebru Timtik - Turkish Human Rights lawyer persecuted by the fascist Muslim Erdogan  
1964- Keanu Reeves  
1940-1973 The Immortal Bruce Lee  
1929-1945 Anne Frank - Angel from Heaven  
1934-1968 Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space
1925-1941 Audie Murphy: the most decorated soldier in U.S. history - and a major film star  
1924-2004 Madeline Riffaud, heroine of the French Resistance  
1918-1940 Robert Pershing Wadlow, the tallest man who ever lived  
1918-2013 Nelson Mandela, the legendary campaigner for racial equality
1913-2005 Rosa Parks, an ordinary citizen who made a stand for racial equality
1912-1954 Alan Turing: the truly great mathematician and scientist who cracked the German Enigma Code  
15/4/1912 Isidor & Ida Straus - their love and sacrifice in the Titanic disaster
1875-1965 The Extraordinary Story of Dr Albert Schweizer  
1875 The North American Comanche tribe was finally settled on a reservation  
1865 Ella Williams, the negro giantess - international performer and celebrity
1864-1922 Nellie Bly - legendary and pioneering reporter
1861-1947 Frederick R. Burnham, 19th century adventurer and inspiration for Baden-Powell's Scout movement
1860-1926 The astonishing story of Annie Oakley: "Little Sureshot" sharpshooter of the West & women's pioneer  
1857-1945 Milton Hershey - 'The Chocolate King" philanthropist who made chocolate available to the masses  
1848-1929 Wyatt Earp , legendary sheriff in the "Wild West"
1847-1933 Annie Besant: campaigner for women's rights, birth control and Indian independence.  
1846-1917 William 'Buffalo Bill' Cody: legendary figure of the American West  
1839-1876 General George Custer and his "last stand" at the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876
1833-1868 Kate Warne, the extraordinary Pinkerton detective
1827-1901 Elizabeth Jennings Graham: She did what Rosa Parkes did, but in New York and 100 years before her!
1823 The Texas Rangers: "The Lone Ranger" was one of them!  
1820-1906 Susan B. Anthony, a pioneer for Woman's Rights
1754-1817 William Bligh, Captain of H.M.S. The Bounty
1676-1697 Thomas Aikenhead: the last man to be hanged in Britain for blasphemy  
1665 The Plague came to Eyam Village, whose people were imbued with The Human Spirit
1596-1617 Pocahontas & John Rolfe
1480-1521 Ferdinand Magellan legendary explorer of the globe
1451-1512 Amerigo Vespucci, the explorer after whom "America" was named in 1507