The Seating-Plan Matters The room arrangement and seating-plan are crucial; optimize them if you can.
the same goes for lighting and heating ....
  Be Happy If you look miserable & stressed, your audience will be the same. If you look happy, at least there’s a chance they will be, too.
  Put Title On Display You may know what you’re talking about, but you could be ten minutes into your talk before the audience works out the title.
  Put the Plan On Display Show audience the structure of your talk - make sure they know where you’re coming from and where you’re going.
  Think Of Your Audience In other words - EMPATHIZE - You can’t speak at normal speed in colloquial language in a mixed nationality audience.
  What's in it for them? Give them what they want and/or need!
  Be relaxed or Die If you’re not relaxed (confident!), then your audience will not be either.
  Handouts When Finished Once you give something out, you lose control over the audience.
  Horses for Courses What works well in one situation won’t in another.
  Look At Your Audience Look round - look them in the eyes. Only then do they feel you are communicating - only then can you know their reactions.
  Learn to Pronounce Key Words There’s no excuse for mispronouncing key words. Ask a native speaker!!
  Stand Up And Talk You can’t hold your audience if you sit down - or lean on a table.
  Build In Some Humour Don’t be heavy and over-serious - there must be some lighter moments.
  Graphics Are Really Good A picture tells a thousand words - use maps, charts, graphs - BUT NOT LONG BLOCKS OF TEXT.
  Put Statistics Into Chart All figures should be displayed in a chart of some kind. It is difficult to grasp the significance of statistics unless this is done.
  Don't Over-Bullet An excess of bullets will lose them in a tsunami of text
  Give Them Time Don’t change slides too fast. Give the audience time to absorb them. In general, give people time to think - pause after key points. Put complex points in different ways: ‘in other words’ - ‘that is to say’ etc
  Let It Sink In As above - give the audience time to absorb the information.
  Reading Is Reading
  - Talking Is Talking
You can’t use the same language that you find in print. You have to re-write it in oral English. ERGO -> You can’t read from a transcript. THERE IS NO SAFETY IN WRITING IT OUT IN FULL - YOU MUST IMPROVISE FROM NOTES.
  A Pointer Is Essential YOU know what you are referring to on a map - your audience may not.
  More Haste Less Speed You can’t speak at normal speed. Talk more slowly than usual. Use pauses for emphasis. Let your voice fall at the end of a sense group.


  The Secret of Success

is especially CONFIDENCE, which comes from knowledge of your subject, mastering of techniques, language ability and ... preparation, preparation, preparation